A way to check where a product goes
This works for all your DaySpring gridded or controlled systems. Anything appearing on a current grid. Check out the Grids FAQs page for more info on grids.
Click on the link to start the process
A smaller page will pop up and begin to load the information for your store. This may take a few minutes.
Then you can look up a product or a location
Once the page is finished loading you can enter a location (A33); the 5 digit item number we call the prime (22826); or a UPC (081983366284) and click the Lookup button or hit enter to look up a product.
If it doesn't find a location
If the item loads but the location is blank it means this is a currently shipping product but is not listed in any of your current grids.
If it doesn't find the product
If you enter a product that is not currently shipping you'll receive a message stating it does not appear to be a current location, prime or item.